Investment Flow

The following is the Investment flow chart and the legal documents holding:



  1. Investor purchases shares in Anaplans Institutional Insured Credit Receivables Fund (AICR)
  2. The money is received by Apex Fund Services on behalf of AICR
  3. The Administrator records Investor/subscriber in AICRs’ database for recordkeeping
  4. The Investment Advisor advises Apex Fund Services to release money from the Escrow Account to allow AICR to enter into Insured Credit Receivables transactions.
  5. The legal documents related to the Insured Credit Receivables transactions are held by Apex Fund Services on behalf of AICR
  6. The Insurance Company is conducting a Due Diligence on the Retailer before Issuing the Credit Receivable Insurance Policy to AICR
  7. The Investment Advisor is conducting a Due Diligence on the Retailer before releasing the money from the Escrow Account to the Manufacturer